Please complete the Year 12 application form below.
Please state academic year you are applying for: 2025/26 2024/25
Date of birth:
Email address:
Home telephone:
Name of current school or type of schooling:
If not currently attending a secondary school please state last date attended:
If students who are aged 16 are applying themselves, parent details do not need to be completed.
Contact name:
To help with our marketing strategy, we are really interested to know how you found out about us.
Select Recommended by a professional from your child's school (eg. teacher/Head/SEND team) Recommended by a professional at the local authority (eg. SEND or admissions team) Recommended by another parent/student Recommended by a health care practitioner Recommended by other Social media Search engine A staff member at Chester International School Other
Please provide more information:
Please inform us of your child's school and the professional:
My child is entitled to free school meals
My child has been registered as eligible for free school meals within the last six years
One or both of my child’s parents are serving in the regular UK armed forces or regular armed forces personnel who were serving in the past 3 years, or are in receipt of a pension under the Armed Forces Compensation Scheme and the War Pensions Scheme because their parent(s) died on active service with the UK armed forces
My child has been to 3 or more different schools since year 7
None of the above
Here at Chester International School, we are proud to be a Candidate School to offer two International Baccalaureate Programmes and have the support of the IB Organization to pursue authorization with a view to starting these programmes in September 2017. Both of these internationally recognised programmes involve studying a range of subjects and carry competitively weighted UCAS points.
Please state which programme you would prefer: Select The International Baccalaureate Career-Related Programme (IBCP) The International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) IB levels
I have lived in the UK for the past 3 years* Yes No
* If you have not lived in the UK for the past three years then you will be asked to provide evidence of eligibility to study at CIS during the admissions process.
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