Community Update Monday 16th March

(Posted on 17/03/20)

Good evening community members of CIS,
I hope you are well.  I know this is an unsettling time for everyone but we are working hard to ensure the wellbeing and education of our young people is supported in the best way we can.  Thank you for your continued support and cooperation.
I can confirm that a student from CIS is self isolating because a member of their extended family has a confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19.  The student left the building as soon as they found out today and is currently showing no symptoms of the disease.  We contacted the Department for Eduction and Public Health England immediately to begin to follow protocol and procedures.
Public Health England along with the DfE requested a deep clean within the school and requested the school to remain open at this time this is because the student is not currently presenting any symptoms.  The deep clean began today and will continue at 5am tomorrow.  We will continue to have a cleaning team in the building throughout the morning.
The government updated its guidance today which was communicated during a press conference this afternoon.  The key updates for schools are:
  • Schools are to remain open
  • people are now being advised to stay at home for 14 days if they, or anyone in their household, has either a high temperature or a "new and continuous cough"
We are receiving a high volume of communication from within our community and it is understandable at this time.  Could I please request that you keep this in mind when contacting the school.  If your child is presenting symptoms then we are requesting you to contact to inform us of this and we would like them to stay at home for the recommended number of days, this will now include any siblings.  If we suspect a student is presenting symptoms then we will get in touch and request that they return home to self isolate.
Teachers are preparing for increased absences.  In the majority of cases video conferencing should now be available to those self isolating, if not then students will be able to directly contact the teacher during the lesson via the chat function.  Lessons will be clearly indicated on the canvas course as usual and students who are well enough but are self-isolating are requested to continue to work from home.  
Have a lovely evening and take care,

Kind regards,


Katrina Brown,


Chester International School