Chemistry (Y12-13)


Chemistry permeates all aspects of our lives. From the clothes we wear, to the drugs we use to treat life-threatening diseases, chemistry is at the forefront of scientific research. Modern research chemists work collaboratively to solve some of the world’s biggest problems, including how to feed and power an ever-increasing population. As well as scientific research, a qualification in chemistry would allow you to follow career paths in medicine, pharmacy, and even education. Whilst the transferable skills you acquire, such as problem solving and investigative skills, will make you a desirable candidate for a career in patent law, accountancy, or even publishing.

Chemistry is all about application, and at CIS you will develop the skills and attributes needed to explore your scientific curiosity. Our approach reflects the practical nature of chemistry, and at CIS you will have the capacity to move beyond the limitations of the syllabus. You will develop advanced experimental skills through the synthesis of painkillers, whilst exploring how computational modeling is being used to bring new drugs to market. You will even be able to get to grips with a 3D printer, which can be extremely useful in making bespoke laboratory equipment. The use of technology will also be at the heart of teaching, providing you with access to online resources and recorded lectures, to better support you throughout your studies. All of this will provide you with an excellent qualification, and a set of skills that will be applied through your career.

Year 12/13 IB

NOTE: As this is a new specification, the topic orders we teach are subject to change.

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Year 12

Term 1a Term 1b Term 2a Term 2b Term 3a Term 3b
Topics 2. Atomic Structure
12. Atomic Structure (HL)
3. Periodicity
13. The periodic table (HL)
4. Chemical Bonding and structure
14. Chemical structure (HL)
4. Chemical Bonding and structure
14. Chemical structure (HL)
1. Stochiometric Relationships
1. Stochiometric Relationships
11. Measurement and data processing
5. Energetics/thermochemistry
15. Energetics/thermochemistry (HL)
5. Energetics/thermochemistry
15. Energetics/thermochemistry (HL)
Group 4 project
6. Chemical Kinetics
16. Chemical Kinetics (HL)
7. Equilibrium
17. Equilibrium (HL)
8. Acids and Bases
18. Acids and Bases (HL)
Big questions Where does science originate from?
Where do theories come from?
Why are models important?
Is the periodic table correct and complete?
How accurate are scientific drawings?
How do we determine chemical identity?
What is an amount?
Is maths the true science?
What is absolute zero?
How can data/information be communicated?
What is energy?
How do we fuel a growing world?
Where to the boundaries between sciences end? Do they?
How do scientists exploit chemistry?
What is equilibrium?
What makes a chemical dangerous?
What makes an acid strong or weak?
Assessment Practical scheme of work
Exam questions
Research tasks
Online submissions
Practical scheme of work
Exam questions
Research tasks
Online submissions
End of term assessments
Practical scheme of work
Exam questions
Research tasks
Online submissions
Practical scheme of work
Exam questions
Research tasks
Online submissions
Group 4 project
Practical scheme of work
Exam questions
Research tasks
Online submissions
Practical scheme of work
Exam questions
Research tasks
Online submissions
End of year assessments
Co-curricular links Physics: Atomic structure
History: Mendeleev and the periodic table
Environmental science: Natural materials
Environment science: Natural materials
Mathematics: Calculations
Mathematics: Calculations
Biology/Physics: Measurements and data processing
Visual arts: Displaying experimental data
Business management: Fuels
Group 4 subjects
Mathematics: Calculations
Business management: Optimising chemical reactions
History: Haber process
Mathematics: Calculations
Environmental science: Importance of neutralisation
Cultural links The use of models in science
IUPAC authority
Exploring international research ventures
International scientists: Mendeleev
Salt mining in Cheshire
Desalination (quenching the worlds thirst)
SI units
International scientists: Avogadro and Hess
Science: The international language
Statistics in drug trials
UK power and energy sources
Modern wars: Battle for fuel
Global warming
International scientists: Haber
Scientists at war: Haber
The chemical industry
Dangerous jobs
Origins of scientific words: i.e. Latin, Arabic
Extracting chemicals from nature
Events RSC Chemistry Week
Prepare activities
RSC Chemistry Week
Deliver activities
British Science Week
Prepare activities
British Science Week
Deliver activities
The Big Bang Fair
Prepare activities
The Big Bang Fair
Deliver activities

Year 13

Term 1a Term 1b Term 2a Term 2b Term 3a Term 3b
Topics 9. Redox processes
19. Redox processes (HL)
10. Organic chemistry
20. Organic chemistry (HL)
10. Organic chemistry
20. Organic chemistry (HL)
11. Measurement and data processing
21. Measurement and analysis (HL)
Individual investigation
Option D
Option D (HL)
Option D
Option D (HL)
Revision and exam preparation
Revision and exam preparation Revision and exam preparation
Big questions Are humans just a series of chemical reactions?
How do batteries work?
How are computer models used in chemistry?
How do we identify different chemicals? What areas of chemistry do you want to explore?
How are drugs made?
How long does it take to make a drug?
Is nature the best medicine?
Why do some drugs kill?
Assessment Practical scheme of work
Exam questions
Research tasks
Online submissions
Practical scheme of work
Exam questions
Research tasks
Online submissions
End of term assessments
Practical scheme of work
Exam questions
Research tasks
Online submissions
Individual investigation
Practical scheme of work
Exam questions
Research tasks
Online submissions
Co-curricular links Business management: Chemical products
Visual arts: Displaying chemical reactions
Environmental science: Chemical structures
Biology/Physics: Measurements and data processing
English language: Essay writing
Biology: Pharmacology
Biology: Pharmacology
Environmental science: Chemistry in society
Cultural links Shrinking chemistry: Batteries
Making space exploration possible
Importance of petrochemical industry
Compound analysis: Airport security
Chemical databases
Chemicals in nature
Wearable chemicals (polymers)
History of therapeutics
Drug development and design
Medicine in the media
Changing epidemics: AIDS case study
Cancer care
Events RSC Chemistry Week
Prepare activities
RSC Chemistry Week
Deliver activities
British Science Week
Prepare activities
British Science Week
Deliver activities