Drama (Y10-11)

The GCSE Drama qualification engages students through encouraging creativity, focusing on practical work which reflects twenty-first century theatre practice and developing skills that will support progression to further study of Drama.

Assessment objectives

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Term 1a Term 1b Term 2a Term 2b Term 3a Term 3b
Year 10 Topics Component 1 - Devising (Introduction to Drama) Component 3 - Theatre Makers in Practice Component 1 - Devising (Introduction to Drama) Component 3 - Theatre Makers in Practice Component 1 - Devising (Introduction to Drama) Component 2 - Performance from a Text
Assessment Peer and self-assessment of performances An Inspector Calls exam questions Peer and self-assessment of performances Mock live theatre evaluation exam questions Written Coursework assessment Mock practical exam assessed using criteria
Cultural and co-curricular links Live Theatre Experience to explore different cultures/environments Cross-Curricular opportunity with English & History studying The Crucible Live Theatre Experience to explore different cultures/environments Studying the culture of Britain in 1912 Cross-curriclar opportunity with media to record and complete lighting/sound for performances Exploring different cultures through practical exploration with a theatre company
Events Theatre Visit Theatre Visit Theatre Visit Chester University Drama Visit Internal Moderation Asssessment for Component 1 Frantic Assembly Workshop
Year 11 Topics Component 2 - Performance from a Text Component 2 - Performance from a Text Component 3 - Theatre Makers in Practice Component 3 - Theatre Makers in Practice Component 3 - Theatre Makers in Practice Written Exam (40%)
Assessment Peer and self-assessment of performances Externally assessed by visiting examiner Mock live theatre evaluation and The Crucible exam questions Mock live theatre evaluation and The Crucible exam questions GCSE Exams
Cultural and co-curricular links Opportunity to perform extracts from texts of different cultures (ensure rules are followed from specification regarding publication date) Studying the culture of Britain in 1912 GCSE Exams
Events Theatre Visit Performance assessed by visiting examine and peers/parents Theatre Visit An Inspector Calls Performance GCSE Exams